Wow, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride describes the trip up and down our driveway. Poor Husband was stranded for 6 hours in the blizzard Friday evening waiting for a tow truck. My daughter and I traveled to Knoxville for a softball clinic and braved the 1 1/2 feet of snow at 5:30am. It took us more than an hour to get down our mile driveway and onto the otherside of Blowing Rock. About 4 miles on the downside of Blowing Rock, there was not even one sign of snow--it was as if we landed on heaven. We drove to Hickory and caught 40W--I caught glimpses of the Appalachians from a distance and in the early morning light saw the clouds over the range end in a final upsweep. The snow stayed in place in the mountains. The trek over the Smokies was slow but easy going. My pea coat is in need of a serious cleaning cause I had to remove the snow cleats from my tires outside of Blowing Rock. Raise your hands if you hate putting on and taking off snow chains!!!! I am woman, but surely love the man who will jump in and give the girl a hand when it comes to touchin' freezing metal. I have some snow photos, but am emotionally and physically exhausted and it will have to wait till I slide my ass back down the mountain sometime mid-morning Monday. Love ya'll. Marie
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