My oldest woke me up this morning compelled to recount the details of a horrifying dream. Apparently a 'bad' man wielding a knife chased our family around our mountain. Ever the quick thinker, my daughter herded us into the Jeep and tried to run over him, but of course, that trick didn't work. He kept following us as she drove down the mountain. At some point this man just 'disappeared'. However, the dream certainly impacted the first few waking moments of her day. I assured her that if a man branished a knife inside my house, then I would not hesitate to pull the 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' trick and pull out my shotgun and shoot the sucker. Her boo boo was kissed and I proceeded to wake up my youngest by telling her my disturbing dream. I dreamed that I was taking her to the airport to send she and 40 other of her kindergarten classmates (she is in 8th grade) on a trip to France. But enroute I remembered that I had forgotten to get her passport and I was desperate to figure out how I could still have her continue on her journey. Youngest daughter grinned at me and said, " I dreamed that I was inside an egg and was being driven down the road by Older Sister...we crashed and my shell broke open." I dunno, I think we're all CRACKED.
The photo is of Elbert Miller's farm in Meat Camp. I took this photo yesterday and love the way that it has a painterly effect from the cloud's soft lighting.