Ok, this is not another post about the weather in Boone. Here, it is always cold and that is just not news. Instead, I would like to point out to the CEO's of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts that there is no 'HOT' sign in Boone. Thanks a lot guys for opening a new store in Maui yet disregarding your loving neighbors less than 90 miles away from your corporate office in Winston Salem. That behavior is just plain rude. I understand that you have distributor agreements that may prevent you from having a store up here, but I don't care. A tepid Krispy Kreme doughnut is like three day old fish. I want my doughnuts HOT or not at all.
There are many things that do not exist in my little town, most of which I do not miss. My children often lament not having an escalator around. When they find one at a mall in the Big City they embarrassingly ride it up and down for at least 1/2 hour. At least it is a cheap ride.
One other item of note not seen around Boone are visits from politicians. Good 'ol Senator John Edwards graced the presence of my buddies up in New Hampshire but has only seen the light of day in Boone one time (that I recollect) and that was when he was running for the office. Granted, US Senators are busy folk but his current constituents have questions and I would like the same face-to-face opportunity to size him up as a candidate for President of the United States of America. Note to John Edwards: Liddy Dole and her hubby come up here frequently.