A couple of weeks ago I posted this scene. Yesterday, I went past it again and found it looking like a bit more dressed up.
We had a strange, yet colorful dinner time conversation this evening. I begin to recount to the family how a colleague and I recently went on an assignment together armed with our cameras. Later after comparing our images, noticed that it looked as though we had approached our subject in such different manners that it appeared that we were not even at the same place. We obviously 'see' differently. At that point my youngest child jumped in and said that she also 'sees' differently than other people. I was rather taken aback that she actually could conceive of such a concept as I was not enlightened to the fact that people 'see' differently until I was a much older age. She begin to describe that she sees the world in unblended colors; as dots of red, green, blues, etc...She said that she sees details sharply, but the colors are not blended. I started to get excited as my husband and eldest child were only mildly amused. Throughout her childhood I have always noticed that she has a tremendous sense of colors. Her stick figures may not have been anatomically correct, but she would pick strange, yet pleasing color combos for the hairs and eyes. At this point I asked her, "ohh, please draw me a picture of how you see." To which she got out a pen and paper and drew our kitchen curtains and her sister and then decorated with colors. My husband glanced at the drawing and then looked at me and said, "Oh I get it, she sees life in pixels!" I'm not sure if I should be worried, but knowing this child...she'll be fine.