For starters, the major televison network satellite trucks have now retreated down the mountain. I know that NBC and ABC have been up here to interview Franklin Graham of Samaritan's Purse (son of Billy, of course) to get his impressions on Mel Gibson's "The Passion."
Fox Butterfield with the New York Times visited our sheriff Mark Shook recently to interview him on our county's wonderful record of having the most Meth Lab busts in the state. Yay! We're #1! But, having said that, I know that Mark and his department are working very hard to get rid of this horrible scurge of a drug, so much so that he is willing to have our county held in the spotlight in hopes that he can purge the meth from our area. The New York Times had a front page story on Meth in Watauga Countyon Feb. 23rd. The story featured children who live in Meth houses and how they are affected by the fumes and toxic waste created by meth production. Butterfield accurately describes the problems that we are having here. Additionally, I know that when I go to a fire, I do so with much more caution because I never know if the smoke I am breathing is potentially going to fatally expose me to toxic meth fumes.
Finally, the photo I've posted is of the marquis of one of our local theatres on King St. I was on assignment with reporter Scott Nicholson and he pointed out that Mountain is spelled incorrectly. Scott is in the photo. I totally enjoy working with him because we always go on little adventures. His mind is as warped (if not more) than mine. He is a published horror writer (he even has an agent in NYC). I have read all 3 of his books and look forward to his next one, The Manor. In fact, you should check out his Haunted Computer blog because he is cleaning out his house has an awesome giveaway of books that he will send to you if you visit. What the heck, it is worth a try and if you visit his blog via my blog and you win, then I will personally pay the postage. You have nothing to lose and I can probably swing sending a signed copy of one of his books into the deal.
P.S. I received the most awesome postcard in my Valle Crucis mailbox from Seth in Lynchburg, VA. I don't know Seth's could I have missed it? Please Seth, reveal yourself! I know he found me via Fred.
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