It was pouring rain yesterday, but that didn't stop me from parking my car and dashing out to capture this old barn that sits on Hardin Street near Dauph Blan Rd. The barn is completely surrounded by Appalachian State University. I know in my heart that it is destined to be replaced one day and I made a promise to myself this winter to try and get shots of it before it disappears. Despite the rain, yesterday seemed like the perfect day to capture its image.
In my research on the barn I did learn some locally interesting trivia. The name Dauph Blan is a contraction of the names of the two fellows who founded Watauga Academy: Dauphin Disco Dougherty and Blanford Barnard Dougherty. I think their mama must have a some kind of sense of humor.
I promised trip photos and you shall receive them shortly. I worked at editing and prepping last night and think I'll just create a photo album so that I don't bore any of you who are not interested.