Today was all about moments here and quickly gone. When driving down the road this morning, I saw the first crested dwarf iris of the season. These are perhaps my favorite spring flowers...but I was in a hurry so I could not stop and smell the iris. Next, I worked and worked and worked...but finally found an hour to comb through the yard and woods in search of objects de spring. I noticed that my my currents are finally setting their fruit and hopefully will produce a decent crop this year. Then I regarded my creeping phlox stretching lazily in the sun over my rock garden. I took a walk with Harley in search of signs of sprouting ginseng, but it is still too early for them to peep through the soil. I did find pink lady slippers. I took photos. Later, while waiting for my children to finish their afternoon activities, I took a walk in Valle Crucis park where I found the swallows thriving on early insects in man-made habitats. I like this photo only because I feel that I have caught the sucker. These dudes are quick. If you have ever been dive-bombed by them when you accidentally get close to their young, then you know exactly what I'm talkin' about.