The Wild Strawberry crop is going to be fantastic this year
A boulder in my yard. If we have an earthquake, will it take out my neighbor's house?
My Ginseng flourishes.
I found a stash of Showy Orchids growing near a spring.
I woke up to a beautiful spring morning. Fog created sweet light upon the landscape. I shot many frames before heading to the office. It was there that I made the conscious decision to watch, with my friends, the complete internet video of Nick Berg. I was instantly horrified. My brain went into overload and in a matter of self-survival, shifted to 'numb'. It has taken me all day to slowly siphor through my thoughts and emotions. After work, I went running in hopes to get the 'ol endorphins kicking didn't help much. I then took my daughter and Harley on a walk through our woods. We photographed the items listed above. Refinding beauty cleansed my brain. Am I traumatized? No. Am I filled with rage and hell-bent for revenge? No. I am simply raw and saddened. First, because a poor man was horribly tortured by men claiming the act to be sanctioned by a Supreme Being. And second, the event is already being politicized. Is nothing sacred anymore? I had to get this off my chest. Thanks for listening.