OK, I rock! I endured many minutes of this insane swallow dive-bombing me in order to get one good shot out of 82. No matter that the depth of field is shallow. The eye is in focus. I was at the Valle Crucis park trying to get in my weekend warrior run and after a mile, made the executive decision to carry my camera for the next round. Things never happen as I plan. The robin with his beak filled with worms disappeared. The bullfrog in the pond dove to depths unknown and I horribly underestimated the exposure of the iris with raindrops. However, I did sadistically enjoy torturing this poor bird protecting his nest. I kept telling him that I wasn't going to hurt him, but he didn't believe me. I swear he kept after me for more than 15 minutes. Finally, I nailed the sucker leaving he and his brood in peace. You cannot imagine how difficult it is to focus on an incoming object such as this bird. Triumph.
My brood is fine. Final exams loom. Health is much better. Summer plans are in the process. The day job still gets in the way of everything else.