So, I'm taking a trial run at an empty nest as the baby birdies are testing their wings. Oldest daughter left for a month of nothing-but-cello camp. She feared that it would be filled with kids that although loved music, would have no other common interests. Boy, was she relieved to see her roomie who brought junk food and sported clothes from American Eagle. She had already made 3 new friends by the time I was quickly dismissed.
Youngest child has ventured with my husband to the bowels of Chattanooga for a good 'ol dose of Mamaw lovin'. This leaves me alone for awhile.
Yay! I sit here at the computer free from almost all responsibilities, except for Mr. Man and Harley. Mr. Man has still not forgiven me from leaving him. He's coming around, but acts as though I am simply his food wench. Harley remains my faithful gal.
What to do? If I want, I can play on the computer and watch any stupid thing on the T.V. I choose to eat a 'grass' dinner of spinach laced with grapes, bacon and tempeh. For dessert, I will treat myself to cherry ice cream with the kind of chocolate that hardens upon contact with cold. Major Yummm! To hell with the dishes this evening.
I took this photo this morning. I was chasing down a bunch of riders in a grueling 100 mile bike trek through Watauga County lovingly called "Blood, Sweat and Gears." It is a huge fundraiser for our local Chapter of the Red Cross. As I was driving to the Creston relief post near state road 88, I noticed the Sutherland Methodist Church peeping through the summer leaves. The uppermost portion of Snake Mountain is shrouded in clouds. The riders got to cruise through the clouds. How Glorious...and painful!
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