On a personal note: We are all just dandy. Still no power, but I cooked by the light of the hurricane lamp and we played matchstick poker with the girls last night. We hooked up the small generator so we can run the refrigerator often enough to keep the food from spoiling. The only thing that I really need right now is a nice long warm shower. I came into the office to post this as the town of Boone has power.
About the area and damage: Locally the western part of the county took the greatest hit from winds and rain. Again, Ivan hurt our lower neighbor, Avery far worse. Yesterday as I was driving around for photos, I heard that the bridge in Heaton was damaged and rescue members were staged to make sure no one would cross. All the sudden I heard a panic stricken voice say, "Anyone near the Heaton bridge get away, GET AWAY ASAP, there is a wall of water coming down Beech Mtn...I repeat, get away from the bridge!" I won't soon forget the fear in his voice and was relieved to hear another voice pipe in, "10-4, we are away from the bridge." Moments later I heard the 2nd voice say, " There is a woman on the other side of the bridge who refuses to move. What do I do?" That was the end of the conversation.
Folks, that is what we call a flash flood up here in the mountains. I do not know the ending to that particular story.
Did I tell you yesterday about the natural gas line that exploded in Linville's Land Harbor? The house burnt to the ground because the fire department could not access the house from all 3 possible entries to the area because of high water. It must be terrifying to have torrential rains pour onto your burning house.
In a place much further south in a place called Peeks Creek, 30 houses were washed away. Some people died.
In Foscoe, the clean up has already started but high winds (30-50 mph) are hampering efforts. And, as if the poor electric linemen don't have enough work to do, some trees have waited a day before falling on already repaired lines.
The photo above is of mountain cascade that doesn't exist on my mountain except when we get alot of rain. I was tired of seeing all the photos of flooding mayhem. Peace.
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