I can't remember which Disney movie that line comes from, but I am sure that my Dad inspired the song, just like he inspired me to appreciate our feathered friends.
He sent me the above photo saying, "Can Spring be far behind…? Caught this bluebird perched above our suet block cage. He was trying to figure out how to get into it. Poor bird has a beak that is too short for the job."
My childhood home had a dining room table that faced sliding glass doors which opened upon a deck. Just beyond that was my Dad's birdfeeder. Although the flight pattern of the birds changed with the time of day and season, there was an omni-present set of binoculars in the dining room so that we could identify the visiting birds. I think there was a Peterson's Field Guide of Easten Birds nearby as well.
I remember learning to differentiate the Titmouse from the Chickadee, the Nuthatch from the Towhee, the Finches from the Juncos. Ahh... and for the dreaded Grackles and Starlings...my Dad had special firecracker surprises in store for those roosting nuisances! I believe that my love for the natural sciences was nurture by my Dad.
Ever the scientist, he still finds humor in the feather antics of the game, "Who rules the Roost?"
Note to birds in the vicinity of North Raleigh, NC: I recommend a visit to my Dad's house cause he serves the best suet and bird grub around. He's also good for a glass of wine or two. But beware of the newest neighbor--A Great Horned Owl that has apparently whittled away at the squirrel population... I love you Dad. Remember, Bluebirds are a sign of happiness.