It doesn't happen often, but occasionally Mother Nature frowns upon us. This time, she made ice, then snow and if that wasn't enough, She laced the snow with more ice. My Jeep will climb just about anything. I have no problem pressing the pedal to the metal and gunning up the icy Killer Hill section of our mountain . After all, I really like "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride". But when it comes to driving downhill on mountain roads-the effect of gravity petrifies me....I'm a chicken. So, yesterday I parked my Jeep about a half of a mile down our drive (just before Killer Hill) and we are doing the hiking in and out jig.
Today wasn't so bad. I just have my camera gear stashed in my nifty backpack and the girls have their books. We sled down Killer Hill. It is just a mini adventure to start our day.
Tomorrow may prove to be more of a logistical nightmare. It is cello day. I'm hoping for a thaw....