It may be invisible to the naked eye, yet when spring approaches, every single living creature feels the transformation. Yesterday, the spring season was felt by all creatures in the High Country.
Eldest daughter and I went for our first fair weather run of the season at Valle Crucis Park . There were Canadian Geese on the pond--no doubt en route back north. I saw green onions popping out above the blades of grass. Little children rode their bikes and fishermen waded into the waters of the Watauga River hoping for a bite on their line by a hungry trout.
When we returned home, I went for a walk down our road with youngest daughter. Mister Man decided to follow us. As we came to Harley's swimming hole, the cat climbed upon the rocks and was momentarily transported back to his ancesteral roots. He became Jungle Kitty.
On our way back, youngest daughter suggested that
we go see if our secret stash of daffodils had bloomed in the woods. To
our delight, we saw a sea of yellow and green. What a gift for a mother
to watch her teenage daughter gather flowers and then carefully arrange
them in a vase to be set in the middle of the dining room table.