I hesistated posting this image because, well, it is rather graphic. But, I suppose that you should know my stranger side . Actually, I was sitting in the carpool line at the high school. Harley was with me. Local radio had nothing on but Talk Politics and Talk Sports. Ick. The classical music station featured a flute and a harp--which I consider just a step below listening to my daughters squabble. So, I let Harley entertain me. I climbed into the back seat of the Jeep and pulled out my macro lens. I took lots of shots of her eyes, ears and yes, her nose. She is quite patient and pliable and unlike most middle-aged women, doesn't have to 'fix' her hair before she gets her picture taken. I'm hoping to make a Hockney-esque photo composite of Harley one day.
Youngest daughter's 15th birthday is tomorrow. We have no big plans. She just once wants to go shopping (**sigh**) and eat chocolate cake. She starts driving next week (**heavy sigh**). AND, she is actively looking for a summer job.