but, I've begin to come to my senses lately. I possess not one single ounce of hip on my hoppity bones. Take for instance the meme that my buddy Photosuperstar tagged me with. I mean, I've been blogging for 2 1/2 years and I have come across memes on other people's blogs, but didn't have a clue what one really was until I looked it up . I particularly like definition: 'Other things snarfed from Principia Cybernetica.'
So, with that said. I am going to participate in my first meme. Please check out how absolutely stupid I am:
(This is a music meme)
1) What is the total number of music files on my computer? I am too lazy to look.
What is the last cd that I bought? I bought several $7.99 cds at
Walmart as door prizes for my daughter's HOSA 5k. If I remember
correctly, one was a Best of Eric Clapton. Others were a Jimi
Hendrix Experience, a Lynrd Skynrd, and a Motown Hits. I figured that
the kids running the race needed to learn a thing or two about old
timey rock n roll.
3) What is the song playing right now? I could
cheat and quick play something on iTunes, but that would be cheating.
My answer is: The TV--right now, currently a commercial just came on
about Romy and Michele: In the beginning . It mentioned something about them taking on Tinseltown.
What are 5 songs that I play alot and mean alot to me? Hmmm.... This is
off the top of my head and honest 1) Lola by The Kinks. It is the song
to which my daughters and I dance and sing wildly. 2) Sitting on the
Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding. It is the adopted marriage song for my
husband and me. 3) 52 Girls by the B-52's. My best friends and I can't
sit still for this one. Great high school memories. 4) Any Bach Cello
Suite--I have listened to way more wrong notes to Bach than I bet
anyone of you can lay claim. When a particular suite is played well, I
consider it my well deserved right. So there. 5) This one is hard
because nothing is coming to mind right off. Oh wait. Here is my all
time favorite because I'm the only one that I know who gets ready to go
out on the town listening to Precious by the Pretenders .
And here is the #1 reason why I am so uncool...until this moment, and I openly confess this, I had no clue what Chrissie was singing about until I goggled the lyrics. Wow...I hang my head in shame.
I better quick take a photo before ya'll flee in disgust.
Darn it--I forgot to pass on the meme. Ok, for no particular reason except to see what they say, I pass this on to: Ash , Chelle , Bonnie , Kristi and Gnumoon (because I know she is much cooler than moi).