Here is a post of little happenings.
When hunting through an old jewelry box, I came across this 1983 P.B. Scott's club i.d. of mine.
I showed it to my girls and they giggled.
While driving on the Hwy 105 today, I saw this vanity plate the made me do a double-take. 
It seems strange to me to have a license plate that promotes a local cemetary.
On Saturday afternoon, I went to the ASU-Coastal Carolina football game. I finally saw Gnumoon across the field. She is the cute photographer that is beside the hairy photographer.
Later that evening, my husband and I retreated from our reclusive state and 
joined friends Norm, Kathy and daughter Belinda for dinner. We all go way, way
back. I knew Belinda in college. The two of us went on a road trip to Orlando. It
was the kind of road trip that would curl my mother's toenails if she knew the de-
tails. Let's just say that Belinda returned sporting the town of Boone's very first
red mohawk. And now look at her!

Not only did we go out, but dear husband had time to pull out his Harley and prep it for an upcoming ride on Copperhead Road.

And here is a photo of my Harley.
msnbc picked up a photo of mine and put it on their Animal Tracks segment. Mine is number fourteen.
And last, but certainly not the least on my mind is Mark Hancock . He is a blogging buddy of mine. He works for the Beaumont Enterprise . He is assigned to cover Hurricane Rita. Not just the aftermath, but the storm as it hits. Obviously Mark will not be able to blog live, but his managing editor will be keeping track of the coverage here. Please keep Mark and his wife Fay in your thoughts and prayers.
**Update: Mark will TRY to post Rita live**
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