Free. 1 bedroom furnished apartment in Boone, NC. 1 bath, dishwasher, dryer, spacious living area on Appalcart bus route. Available for Katrina vitims only. Perfect for a very small family with dog/cat. Job guaranteed w/apartment. Fabulous community support comes with apartment. Call 828-265-9031. Please call. If you can not get here on your own, help is available. Sincere inquiries only. Some proof of displacement may be required.
I hope I didn't leave anything out. Trying to put this on Craigslist but having computer problems. If you know anyone in need, please direct them my way. We can help some bodies.
P.S. My employer, The Watauga Democrat, is guaranteeing the job.
** For the time being, my email address is [email protected] **
I've also posted on Operation Share Your Home
Feel free to get my message out, but please, please keep track of what lists you put it on so that when we find a family, we can get that message out as well. Of course I will post it on my blog.