It has been a gully washer of a day. Torrential rains poured all through the night and this morning making the Watauga River angry looking. Some flooding, but mostly in the places that always flood. I've seen much worse.
As I was out cruising for photos, I briefly saw a rainbow appear through the trees. I pulled over, grabbed my camera, shot two frames and then it was gone...
So let me tell you about Yoga class last night...
I'm still not sure if this is fact or urban legend, but someone once told me that doing yogic poses sometimes causes unpleasant noises to escape from the body. This is why I never took a yoga class before last week. I was afraid that what I might hear or smell would send me in to a fit of giggles.
Yes, I am that immature.
Yet somehow a co-worker cajoled me into attending a couple of classes anyway. And, no, I didn't ask my co-worker if the above was true.
Apparently I'll just blindly follow anyone...
Our instructor was a very kind lady, albeit a bit too calm for my tastes.
She asked us to begin class by resting on our sitting bones.
"What a pleasant way to say 'ass'," I thought to myself...
I confess that the whole time that I was suppose to be centering myself, all I could think about was running to get a piece of paper so that I could remember all these tiny details to share with you later.
At one point the instructor said, "Marie, you should really close your eyes, it will help focus inward better. It'll open you up inside and create space."
I thought to myself, "What a pleasant way to tell me that I am not doing it right."
You see, earlier I had refused to do the whole "OOOOHHHHMMMMM" sound. I don't mind it when other people make strange public noises, but I'll just watch and listen thank you very much.
I am comfortable on the sidelines...
And, I have trouble keeping my eyes closed. Even during a church prayer I feign a bow of the head and while everyone else isn't looking, I look all around for the one or two folks who are just like me.
And there is always at least one....
Anyway, I told the instructor that I would feel more comfortable if I could just find an external focal point.
She agreed.
I rested my gaze upon the dead flies resting in peace in the light fixture above me and I tried to center myself.
It didn't work because our next pose caused us to bend our heads back in an unatural manner. I was doing ok with this until I shifted my gaze and realized that my face was mere inches from the biggest and hairiest toe I have ever seen on a woman in my life.
That hairy toe had become my new focal point and we all know that it is impolite to stare like that.
I fear I am yogically ruined forever...