Some things are just wrong and I am compelled to share these with you.
First, I have a relative who frequently sends us holiday cheer in the form of often gaudy made-in-China Christmas decorations. This year, Disco Snowman was added to the collection. Plug in Disco Snowman and three colored lights flash madly inside his guts to turn him from red to green and finally white. The light show is most definitely a migraine inducer. As you can see, even the Rockin Santa behind Disco Snowman appears perplexed and is begging for my to pull his plug. Gladly.
My youngest got into the car yesterday and told me how her civics class had a party:
"I may be the only one from my civics class who is alive tomorrow, " she said.
"Yeah, and why's that?" I asked, of course.
" Well, this boy brought in nacho cheese dip and Mr. K nuked it in the microwave. It didn't smell right so I was the only one who didn't eat it but everyone else did. Then, people started saying that it didn't taste right either. Mr. K asked the boy where he got the dip. The boy said that he'd gotten it from his grandmother's Y2K stash. We looked on the package and the expiration date was like 1999," she said.