Last night Eldest daughter and I were driving to My Wanda's house to partake in a wee bit of holiday cheer, when I noticed a bit of movement on top of Three Cross Hill next to the Shull cemetary. I simultaneously pulled over the Jeep and grabbed for my camera.
"Oh my, now that is a photo," said Eldest once she figured out what I was doing.
"But how in the world did you see that?" she asked.
"I just did, baby. I don't know," was my vague reply.
It got me to thinking. I reckon I constantly scan for photos. I'm always on the lookout. I wasn't always this way, but over the years, it has become a reflexive process for me. Now mind you, this isn't a great photo, but given that I pulled off onto an icy shoulder armed with my 200mm lens at dusk and captured this photo in like, 30 seconds, the complaint department is not open for business...
I have 2 more photos that I will share with you shortly. But first, I must go sample some sausage cheese balls and home made fudge. Tis the season, ya know!