I received this email from a long time friend who teaches a communications class at the local high school:
Hi Marie,
I'd like to add your blog site to my teaching webpage in anticipation of covering that topic. How would you like to come in and talk about blogs and photography at the same time? I know that you have lots to share and the kids would enjoy and benefit a great deal.
A while back I had shared my blog URL with R. and told him about how my daughters often utilized group blogs to exchange classroom homework, project ideas, etc... I only shared with him the positives of blogging because personally, I had never encountered any negative experiences with maintaining a blog. But, I am an adult with (hopefully) the ability to understand the cause and effects of my online activities. Not everyone understands the implications of their online actions. This was brought to light by my blog buddy/journalist Amy in New Hampshire who posted several eyebrow raising links about teenagers using online journals (ie-MySpace , Xanga , Facebook , hi5, Tagged and espinthebottle ) . More here and here .
I will, of course, gladly speak to my friend's class about blogs, but not without insisting that we go over internet blogging safety with his students. The internet has opened the world to this hillbilly, but not all of what the internet/world offers is good.
Now, to show these students the interactivity of the internet on a world-wide level, I'm asking all that care, to please de-lurk and show these unsuspecting childen just how many people read this blog. You don't need to say anything but 'Hi' and leave your U.S. state or country from which you are visiting. If you don't de-lurk, that's ok, but I'm begging you, for the sake of education, please?
Also, if you have any blogging terms, tips, ideas to share. This would be a great time to do so. Thank you so much.
P.S.-Do you have a blog that I haven't linked to that you want added to my blogroll? Leave me a comment and link and I'll add you immediately.
P.S.S.-If you are an internet predator, please leave your name, phone number and address, along with next of kin and I'll be happy to not only link your information, but forward a special thank you letter to our local sheriff. Have a nice day.
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