My birdies are all tucked in the nest. Youngest is sleeping because well, the sleepover at our house was more like a wake-up revelry. Go figure. Eldest is serenading me with a piece by Shostakovich on the cello. A big 'ol pot of chili is on the stove and awaits the return of my husband, aka Snowplow Man. So what is Marie doing? I am blogging about cows, farmers, and snow while sipping on a glass or two of McWilliams 2002 Merlot . Life doesn't get better than this.
I like the symmetry in this photo. I shot it from on top of the parking deck at the Watauga Medical Center . I wanted an 'away' photo of the scene. At first, only the cattle and the weeping willow trees were in the viewfinder. Moments later, I saw the farmer and his delightful blue tractor enter with a bale of hay. The cows ran towards him and he kept backing up the tractor in order to spread out the load so that the smaller cattle wouldn't get trampled by the greedy larger bovine. I was suppose to be at the first half of the ASU women's basketball game but I'm sorry, I just will not pass up an opportunity of photographing a clinging snow which will most likely be blown away by 'morrow morn.
Hope all my buddies up north have plenty of beer and bologna ( or better ) to last you'ins through the nor'easter.
And I got to see Gnumoon today. Life is good with Gnumoon around. We pinkie-sweared that we would share vodka martinis w/xtra olives very soon....