Colie Scoggins was cuter than a June bug as she, well, er, flew a tethered June bug joined to her by a piece of thread around the grounds of the Sugar Grove Music Fest on Saturday. At first the lanky eleven-year old drew stares, then the eyes of the "folks of a certain age" stretched into grins of recognition.
“Her finger is a just a big ‘ol joystick ‘round that bug,” said one onlooker.
Colie learned the trick of tying the beetle’s leg with a string from her dad.
“It didn’t take me long to find a June bug, but it sure did take a while to put the thread on it’s little leg,” said Colie.
Seeing the young girl with her pet named ‘Junie’ provoked memories from just about everyone who saw her.
“We used to catch June bugs all day long. If there were 10 kids in the school yard, there’d be at least 20 June bugs on strings, gettin’ tangled up and all. Much more fun than video games,” one gentleman commented.
This modern-day tom girl holding a bug was no match for one lady vendor who delighted in seeing Colie and her adopted pal.
“I was known around the neighborhood for having a knack at catching the things. You just have to sit, watch, wait and then pounce as they light upon the grass,” she said.
None of these details mattered to Colie. She was mesmerized by the varmint as it circled around her. At one point it landed on me, quickly crawling from my back to my hair.
“Oh, look, she likes you,” giggled Colie .
June bugs are beetles with what could be called hyperactive personalities and really sticky legs. To catch one in the hands is not for the squeamish. To tie the legs of a June bug is mostly for eleven year olds or for perhaps a curious blogger with plenty of time on her hands.
As one elderly gentleman said as he passed by the child and her critter:
“That was the only good thing I knew to do with a June bug.”
(No June bugs were harmed in the making of this story. Perhaps “Junie’s” feelings were hurt by comments directed towards her, but Colie did cut the string loose from ‘Junie’ after 30 minutes of play where she happily flew away to join the rest of her June bug buds along the banks of Cove Creek.)
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