I've been taking walks with my husband each evening at Valle Crucis Park. Save a few other wanderers, we are alone.
I received a package from My Strange Little Frenchman today. It has been awhile since he and I have corresponded. He sent me the cd Blow: An ode on the death of Mr. Henry Purcell. According to the Wiki site on Purcell :
"Purcell is among the Baroque composers who has had a direct influence on modern rock and roll; according to Pete Townshend of The Who, Purcell was among his influences, particularly evident in the opening bars of The Who's "Pinball Wizard." The title song from the sound track of the film "A Clockwork Orange" is from Purcell's "Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary."
My beloved Strange Little Frenchman does not have internet access, that I know of, so I thought about sending him a photo or two from my blog especially because his note to me asked:
"Vous faites de tres belles photos. Si jamais vous sortez un livre, avec ces derniers, prevenez moi."
But which ones?