I gave eldest the use of my Nikon N90 for her photography class that she 'must' take this semester. She kinda sorta likes the class, but doesn't. She loves the teacher (who isn't her mother) but the whole class is too close to home for her. For a child raised in a darkroom, she is attempting to find her own light.
I'm giving her a whole lot of room, but it is killing me.
Today she asked me to help her load the camera with film. She mentioned, or rather insisted, that the only thing she needed help with was knowing how the camera worked.
In her speak, this means she will only listen to nothing I say to her.
Tough audience.
So, I barely showed her how this old, but cool camera could show her the selected depth of field, and I pissed her off.
"Too much info, Mom," she said.
So just to piss her off even further I told her that I was going to focus on her and try to be as shallow with my depth of field in her background as she was being listening to me. So there.
Her response:
"You're gonna blog this, aren't you?"
"You betcha," I said.
And, on the lack of posts this week...I've been really busy at the day, night, weekend job. Even my Mom noticed. So did Rob and Gnumoon . I'm gonna try to take some time off this week and not only take photos, but try to catch up on some blog reading. I have no clue what all of you are up to and this bothers me.