Sometimes it appears as my job does indeed allow for endless upward opportunities. Today, I was tested by climbing upon the 35 foot tower at Footsloggers so I could lean over the top and shoot a climber from above. I chose not to tell experts Jenny and Rick (seen here) of Rock Dimensions that my past climbing experiences were stuff of nightmares. I am not consciously afraid of heights, but when I do get high, all my nerves scream 'party' and my legs start hopping around like frogs in hot grease. I chose not to confront my fears at all, in fact, I made the decision earlier in the day to simply climb the damn tower as quickly and safely as possible so I could get my photo shoot done with before the adrenaline kicked in and I started to resemble vedic flyers. My strategy proved successful. The puzzle of hand and feet placement was engaging and knowing that my life was in the hands of super cool chic Jenny was reassuring. The climbing was tough but for some reason, I am meant to rappel. Piece of cake. I could do it all over again tomorrow.
The photo is of Rick on top of the tower this afternoon. If'n I was brave, I would have stood up and taken a 360 degree view, but I think I'll take baby steps up this mountain.