Pro Wresting legend Ric Flair took on App State mascot, Yosef, prior to the opening of basketball season in the Holmes Convocation Center Friday evening as part of the 4th annual Mountaineer Madness . I took several photos but like this one (left) where Yosef took his head off revealing, to the delight of the crowd, head coach Houston Fancher. Prior to this, Flair whooped on somebody's husband .
The next day. I was delighted to hear Flair's familiar "Whooo Whoooo Whoooo" from ASU football fans as they cheered on the team against Wofford. Next thing I know, I hear the chant: "Ja-son-Hun-ter-da-da-dada-da," from the crowd and see the former ASU football player/current Greenbay Packer acknowledging his fans. Several current players and coaches gave great big honest bears hugs to Hunter as soon as they saw the fellow. Welcome home, Jason. It is indeed good to see ya again at 'The Rock.'