This is my friend, Bo. We've spent more than a decade working together--'cept he gets to works on the Goss Community Press and I'm only allowed to watch. I confess that whenever life in the newsroom gets a little too manic or boring, I slip off to the pressroom to visit Bo and the other guys. Bo always seems happy to see me. 'Hello darlin'" is how he greets me. I watch Bo as he tames the mechanical beast. Bo is a fine tamer of the beast--and I supposed he has called it much worse than that when it has chosen to be persnickity. One thing you should know about Bo is this: He finds no humor to the cliche 'Stop the Press'. This place ain't no movie and any editor foolish enough to run into Bo's Pressroom and shout such orders is likely to be booted out or worse.
Bo's my bud. I got his back and he's got mine. Any doubts?
Yesterday I asked Bo if he would pose for a series of bracketed exposures for me. He didn't ask any questions, he just said,
"Why sure," and that was all. I've been experimenting with HDR photography and he is my first portrait.
Kinda wild, isn't it?