...with the sound of cello music. After a long forced break, eldest has picked up her instrument and serenades my suppertime shenanigans with a song. For the past couple of years I have often contemplated her going away. For me, it will be a vacuum of silence she creates in our home as she packs her cello in it's case and carts it to college which causes me the most angst. I will especially miss her off notes. She is a Jacqueline Du Pre 'wanna be' who gets the last note wrong in the 'Elgar' almost every single time. Yet, she keeps playing.
I enjoy hearing her performances, but it is her practice sessions which play upon my heart strings. How many times have I heard her ask, "How was that , Mom?"
And oh how the honesty has ebbed and flowed from my lips....depending upon her particular need for the truth at the time.
..so dearest youngest, please don't quit dancing around the house for at least another year.
Photo is of the Mast Store Annex this afternoon as seen from Valle Crucis Park.