So before we were rudely interrupted by a major ice event I was telling you about my friend Bo...who is not to be confused with my other friend, Bo. It is a common nickname around here, as you might imagine. Anyway, this Bo was out feeding her horses on Thrusday. Bo is a kind soul who rescues animals, particularly the equine variety. About a year or two ago I wrote in the Democrat about how she had saved this one horse, Sadie (the gray mare) who turned out to be pregnant and gave birth to a blue-eye gentleman. When I'm lucky to meet up with Bo, we end up talking politics, philosophy and junk all while she works caring for her critters. I'm no help, I just take photos. She's pretty amazing really. Bo understands the reality that hard damn work is sometimes what life is truly all about. And, the special times are those you spend with those you adore--family, dogs, horses....critters. Here are other photos: