Hey look! This is a post without animals or my children. Heh, that comment could be considered redundant. Instead, I'm back to showing y'all the entry of spring unto these hills. My husband and I enjoyed an evening brew midst a storm while comfortably poised upon our deck. I was able to drink a beer, shoot this scene and listen to his eventful day all at the same time. I savored it all. I'm a mean multi-tasking Marie, that's what.
For those interested: I used a tripod and and a really cheap Cokin neutral density graduated filter to photographically aid me. It was important to me to bring out the white blossoms of the ornamental crabapple tree as well as the hint of red blush in the other trees. Maybe I should have added some exposure to bring out the mid-tones, but this is what it is- a photo by Marie of today.