You know I live in the country when a grouse wakes you up in the morning...
This morning I was into my little snoozin cruise when all the sudden I was shaken awake by a 'THWACK.' A second later I was on my feet, covering my head for fear the house was caving in. I searched for the source and did not see a thing for a minute. Then, I noticed signs of 'bird meets window.' I looked for a body below. I finally found the source, it was this rascal who was more than a wee addled. I was going to take advantage of its messed up state to take a few close-ups, but I feared Harley would follow me and monsieur grouse would become puppy chow, so I grabbed this shot through the garage windows. While focusing on my subject I wondered if this was the same grouse I had shot before
So that was my day's excitement. And yours?
Another sign of country living, is having a husband and children who actually pause to watch Karaoke-Dokey on the CMT.
I'm not sure what I did to deserve this...