So this beautiful scene in Valle Crucis is as green as the money leaving my wallet this evening...
Remember when I posted recently about how I wished my youngest would keep her eyes on the road? Well, she didn't exactly read or heed my post and got into a little fender bender. Everyone is just fine, but in the excitement of the moment, she did the polar opposite of everything we had previously preached. She immediately admitted guilt, profusely apologized, forgot to call her parents, bent to the pressure of not calling the police, then gave up her license and insurance info to the other person, but failed to get their's in return... The dude she ran into is an acquaintance which makes this event that much more uncomfortable. Crap. Just Crap.
So here is my hope: If'n I ever get into an accident with a child/teenager, regardless of who is at fault, I pray to remember I am an adult and am therefore responsible to restrain myself from all assitude and intimidation over said child/teenager... I am not perfect but I strive to do what is right and honorable. I wish everyone else would too.