Whew. The last couple of days at work have been filled with death and mayhem. Just a little bit too much action for this neck of the woods. Problem is, when something tragic happens around here, folks just can't wait to hop off their tractors to blame the community newspaper for covering the event, or for the lack of covering the event or for just leaving a participle there all by itself, dangling in the air.
Our motto should be: "We get to hear all the hate so you don't have to."
Years of experience has taught me to expect the vitriol. I just wish I would know from which direction its being flung so I might duck.
But on a truly positive and upbeat note. I did get to meet and hold Pookie yesterday. She's beautiful. I admit to shedding a tear at the site of her and I look forward to seeing all what Gnumoon has to say on the subject. This oughta be good, folks.