'Scuse my pig french...
I had a few moments to explore the gardens of the Mast Farm Inn and so did this bee....
Let the college brochure avalanche begin...
Yet Youngest is concentrating more on Harry Potter and a beach trip than anything else. Though, she is watching "So you think you can dance" featuring her favorite choreographer Tyce D'Orio. At conventions her friends call the classes with this guy the "Tasty Oreo" session. Probably won't earn any 'respect' points with the guy, but don't think he cares these days.
This summer Eldest spends most of her time with 'le boyfriend.' With less than a month until she goes to college it is time for her to get her brain wrapped around going away to college. She recently found out her roomate match-up and, on the outside, it doesn't seem like a good match, but isn't college really about learning about things such as getting along with others not like you? I'm more hopeful about this than she is at this point. She wished for a roomate with whom she could share the idea of matching lampshades and well, it ain't gonna happen. Fortunately, she is a spirited child and will survive.
And, she just got her certification from Madd Dog Athletics to teach Spin Classes. Her first class is Thursday...