Today I mailed eldest a letter to her P.O. Box in Columbia. She hasn't left for college yet, but I wanted her to reach into the mailbox for the first time and get a prize.
The idea came to me earlier while shopping at Bare Essentials. I saw a card with a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. It contained a positive message for my daughter knowing full well I would be at a loss for anything wise and witty to say when it came time to actually put pen to paper.
I was more accurate in my predictions than I had wanted to be.
I sat in my Jeep in front of the Boone Post Office and scribbled off a few blubbering sentences to eldest. I licked the envelope and sealed it with a kiss.
Enter the tears.
I rarely cry, but for the past couple of weeks there has been this undercurrent of tension that only a hard core boo-hoo is capable of curing.
And buddy, if I had known ahead of time, I would have called the Town of Boone's public works department and had them send a bucket. Collecting my tears had the potential to also fix the town's water problems.
Instead, I simply made a foolish public show of emotions as I ran into the post office to post the letter.
I retreated to my Jeep and drove to the Kmart parking lot next door where I sobbed loudly for a few messy moments.
All's better now.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ~Kahlil Gibran
The photo is of a Joe Pye leaning over Herb Thomas Rd in Valle Crucis...