The Apple Butter Gang of Holy Cross
Ok, so the colors in these altered photos are garish, but so are fall's colors this year. I dedicate this particular post to Gary of the NC Mtn Dreams blog who wants to be from here more than anyone I've ever known. Hope you can make the VC fair next year, Gary!

Pressing Apples
The late frost killed our apple buds, yet the folks from Holy Cross used their state-wide connections to hook-up with off-the-mountain apples. Hot Cider drinking at the fair is a tradition.

My Friends
I was hungry at 9:30 a.m. when my friend 'B' was simmering onions and peppers in the Sausage Factory booth at the fair. It was everything I could do to keep my face out of that skillet. Her husband, 'F' thought I might actually do it which is why he is looking slightly amused in this image. If you look closely, there are at least 6 of my friends working in this Holy Cross Booth of charity--and that doesn't begin to count their prodigy working on the front lines. This is my favorite place to visit at the Valle Fair. I wouldn't trade all the M&M's and beer in the world for these people...

A monster in our midst-the metal, not the man
This is one of the many talented vendors at the fair. The dude makes amazing recycled metal art. I would say much more about his really cool work, but nevermind...

Local kids doing their local thing
I delight in watching my daughters' friends perform. These are some of the Valle's best. I enjoy the comfortable feeling of walking right up to them and pointing my camera in their faces and seeing their looks of recognition mirrored back by a slight shy grin. Goodness grows in Valle Crucis.

Hunt Hill Overlook
The secret passage way to Hunt Hill Overlook of the Valle Fair is a 6 inch board crossing the creek. From there you climb the hill slipping and sliding through fresh cow manure until you reach the sitting bench. The view is worth the dung.
Hope you like the photos, Gary.
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