I took many photos today but by far, this is my favorite. Nope, I did not grow this potato nor did I draw the face on it. It was shared with me. You see, one of the hats I wear at the community newspaper is that of the photographer of bizarre produce. OK, I'm not gonna lie. I love this duty. To me, capturing images of rainbows, whirlygigs, firetrucks on parade, and veggies of all shapes and sizes and then seeing the photos inside the hometown newspaper helps keep the 'small' in a town. It balances the tragic in twisted metal wreck photos, the hate in the irrate letters to the editor and the sad in the drug bust du jour.
(now that's one ogre potato)
***Missing Appalachian State University Student****
Spring-break gone horribly wrong? Rob is looking for his friend, Virginia "Ginni" Woods.