Listening today to a bit of Bluegrass on the radio made my 'end-of-vacation-blues' completely disappear. That, and the fact that the temperature climbed to the 50 degree mark, allowing me to be outdoors, play in the mud, both of which did wonders to revive my spirits.
I worked to neaten up Harley's grave site today. I owed her my energy today because up until today, I had avoided the task. I wanted it to be a happy time, if that makes sense...?
I trimmed trees, cleaned her rock, raked mud in preparation for spring plantings and generally puttered around while Mister Man wove himself 'neath my legs.
And, I got to thinking...
And, I'm not one to resolve much of anything....especially while I'm thinking...
But I want to do some change-ups this year. Nothing too drastic, of course, just work on some if'n's:
If'n possible, I want to work less hard on nights and weekends doing work-related activities...
If'n possible, I want to learn to play the mandolin, or the ukelele or maybe the banjo....
If'n possible, I want to clean up our hillbilly redneck-ed home to the point where I might not be too embarassed to invite others over for a deck day delight. I'm not wanting perfection, just a few vehicles taken off cinder blocks...
If'n possible, I endeavor to expand my photographic capabilities to include mastery of several off-camera
strobes, with gels, in an outdoor situation, a la Vogue fashionista. I wanna make 'hot' photos.
If'n possible, I want to keep running but add mileage and weight-training to my workouts. I'm not excited about this particular if'n, if'n you get my drift...but it is for my own good.
That's my all. What about you? What are your if'n's?