I took these photos on Saturday while wondering River Rd. I needed the time to re-group and get in touch with my roots. Travelling down the River Road never fails me...
Yet I was put to the test hours later when we lost power at our house.
I was internet jones-ing all of Sunday. I was ready to be cast into the wind or willingly be pitched by my teenager off the side of our mountain when I dare suggested playing a game of backgammon with her. I would much rather vacuum floors and do laundry the modern way than pretend to be in a little house on the prairie.
That said, I'm a modern day hillbilly.
I put my ancestors to shame.
I Hang my head low...
Now, I'm over my shame and I want to make you smile and even giggle. Go watch this YouTube video called "Charlie bit my finger...again." It is completely safe for work. Watch Charlie till the end.
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