I took this photo yesterday morning just before sunrise. I propped the camera on the deck railing to get this exposure. The real image is blue but because I'm in a purple-y mood, I did it my way.
I'll keep my weekend excitement brief and devoid of too many easily googled details.
A stranger broke into our house in the wee hours of Sunday morning and woke me up. The man was intoxicated. I was scared but surprisingly calm. I was able to coax him out of the house and call the police who later found him nearby.
Turns out, there was a wide-open party somewhere nearby. The cops came and the drunken kids scattered like cockroaches. I was the lucky recipient of the one cockroach who lost his way in efforts to flee through the woods. According to my youngest, at least five high school seniors were arrested this weekend.
All I can add is the kid picked the right house in our neck of the woods to wander into. Many folks round here don't take kindly to surprise strangers in the night. Their policy is to shoot intruders first and ask questions later.
Now here's some pleasant news near and dear to my heart:
Appalachian receives a grant to digitize historic photos. And there is already public access to some images in this collection. Cool stuff--Go. Look. See. .