And I looked out the window this afternoon and it was snowing quarter-sized flakes. Just as suddenly as the white deluge started, it ceased.
So probably the biggest news around our house these days is that I can now breathe through my nose sans the aid of my beloved Afrin Pumpmist. I'm less snuff-ly and that makes everyone in close proximity to me a bit more comfortable...
In other delightful news:
1) My eldest is 100% committed to transferring to ASU next fall. The deposit is in the mail and she is
deliriously happy to return up the mountain. "I can't wait to play in the ASU orchestra, join the ASU
cycling team and take classes with less than 300 people in them," she told me this weekend.
2) My youngest has now been accepted to her 2nd, 3rd and 4th choice colleges. She's still waiting to
hear from her 1st choice. Her first choice, which rhymes with 'Bapalachun,' is a stretch given her SAT
scores and the lateness her high school transcripts were submitted to the university (NOT her fault). Yet
youngest is in a good place with her fate and is now pondering her possibilities. Her 2nd choice
school is 7 long hours away from home, and in another state. It is a small-ish, yet growing university,
ideally suited for her personality and academic goals. "I'm so over high school and can't wait to meet
new friends," she confided this evening as we talked about upcoming visits to her 2nd and 3rd choice
3) My new job is going great. Of course, I'm in that all important probationary period so I still have to bite
my tongue;) regarding the fine folk I'm working with. JK don't ya know? I've never been a part of a
creative 'dream team' before and well, this feels good.