THis was the greyish-blue scene I saw tonight while returning home from a long work day. Silly meteorologists have done called for yet another whopper. "The Sky is Falling," or so I've been told yet again by both the professional and amateur meteorologists. I would LOL at the forecast, but the most recent radar shows a huge glob of threatening moisture hovering over SE Virginia so I shant tempt the wrath of the snow fairy by being my normal sarcastic self. Still, it won't be a snow/sleep-in day tomorrow for this gal. I've got photos to snag for this and that and if'n I must get up and put on snow gear, let it be a doozy of a snow day so I might earn the t-shirt.
....And, y'all can read my blog from the comfort of your couch and be impressed with my dedication to work;0
Shush, I can hear you LOL'ing at my expense stupidity. Quit it.
++It is almost 10 pm and unless there is a major snow dump in the next 8 hours, I have the unpleasant task of waking my daughter in the morning and breaking the bad news that she has to go to school. Poor me.++