After work I went to the Valle Crucis Park. The weather was behaving and I wanted to see the havoc recent rains had wrought. There was some devastation, but the birds didn't seem to care. I saw many robins, including this one (top) perched on a fallen branch near the pond.
Later I saw a Blue Heron strolling and dipping his feathers in the waters. I scared it at first and it flew away only to return within minutes. I stalked it for a while, squishing my brand new sneaks in the mud, until he tired of me and flew down the Watauga's stream.
I returned home at dusk and noticed foreign globs in the trees. I finally figured out the blobs were turkeys perched way up in the poplars. I pulled out my 300mm lens and scooted 'round the woods till I could find a respectable silhouette.