So my new office chair and I took a nice stroll down an ASU path today in hopes of finding a pleasant spot to take in the fresh air. I wish my eldest could have seen me. I would surely have been greeted with multiple eyerolls. As it was, the exam weary students I did encounter smiled in my direction, but probably only because I was carrying a huge lens and wheeling a freaky chair around. I was completely out of context--just like the Ron Paul supporters on the sidewalk this morning.
I needed this chair. My backside has not been happy with the gov't issue much-more-expensive seats provided at the job. While shooting dancers several weeks ago, I noticed one of these chairs sitting at a professor's desk. I read more, even all the negatives said about the exercise ball chair and because I rarely sit longer than 10 minutes at a stretch, decided to go for it.
My verdict? It is comfortable, if not a little bouncy and perfect for this Tigger-like gal who can rarely sit still for long.
And on to even happier things. A past Sunday school teacher was awarded the North Carolina Sportswriter of the Year award. Kudos to writer David Shaw for accurately summing up A.J. Carr's personality.
Carr may feel antsy in the spotlight, but you'd never know it by his gentle manner and soft, smiling eyes. As a do-it-all sportswriter for the state's second-largest daily newspaper, he possesses a journalist's version of bedside manner — the ability to put you at ease.
"Well, that's one of the most important things about this job," he said. "You want your subject to be comfortable. You want to be trusted and liked."
Indeed. A.J. Carr is not only liked, but beloved.
And look! There's D.J., aka known as David Jackson, aka "The Voice of the Mountaineers." He also was recognized at the NSSA awards as the the NC Broadcaster of the Year.
Who says good things don't happen to fine people?