I messed with some in-camera blur techniques and then high-keyed these cosmos to get a Hallmark Card-ish feel to the scene. I get no respect from some of my artsy colleagues for my experiments with nature. In fact, they (ok, just he) sarcastically referred to me as 'Screen Saver Girl.'
The blue on the right is actually a cement portion of the Lucy Brock School on the campus of ASU. The flowers are courtesy of some fine somebodies who cared enough to plant a tiny patch next to L.S. Dougherty for the summer folk and birds and butterflies to enjoy.
To my co-workers: Bite me:) I like me some nature shots even if'n it is in the middle of Boone. Call me a pedestrian artist and I'll take that as a fine complement. Although I reckon the term should be more accurately coined 'scrolled through' or 'clicked by' artist.
**Insert Update Here**
I love my new nickname, ya know, "Screen Saver Girl." Don't yellow flag anyone at work. I'm just having fun here and so was 'he who shall remain nameless'. Note the smiley face after the words, "Bite me."
Summer life here in the mountains is fabulous and as I watched the tiny branches of my hydrangeas begin to bloom this evening, I started to get sad. I don't want summer to go away so soon. It is the same feeling I got the last day or two before Girl Scout Camp ended. I just don't want to think about it. My lower lip is pooching...
And off on another tangent. Does anyone else think that Kate from "John + Kate = 8" sound just like Ellen Degeneres?
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