I was mildly miffed yesterday evening after having to retrieve Annie from good-hearted, yet unthinking strangers who went on a hike on our property and picked up a curious Annie along the way.
"We have your dog. She followed us while we were in your yard," was the word I received at work.
I wanted to ask if they would please drive her back home so I wouldn't have to take off work early, but could tell they would feel that was an imposition. They were doing me a favor, after all, but contacting me. So I booked down to Walmart, bought a long chain, then rescued Annie from the clutches of do-gooders. Once home, I staked the chain in an obvious spot near the road, with access to both a waterhole and shade, in hopes that visiting folks from off the mountain will be less tempted to allow Annie to accompany them on their treks.
And, as if my house doesn't already look hillbilly enough, I suppose I'll post a sign tonight as a subtle plea:
Put on chain and call
I don't know. What do you think it should say?
These Black-Eyed Susans are part of the view Annie will see if she is chained by the road....