It is late August therefore the Joe Pye weed rules the misty morning banks of the Watauga River. While the waters in Valle Crucis may be calm, the streets of Boone are anything but as the students rock and roll back to campus. Yo! And I love having them back. Yesterday while running the downtown, I could almost feel the extra push of hormones surging through Boone's veins. Hippie Hill was populated. The Klondike Bar was over flowing. And then because the population of the county tripled overnight the town's arteries became clogged and I was able to run faster than the car traffic. Eh. It is what happens.
Today I'm easing into house projects because I really don't wanna. Instead of folding laundry, I'm flipping through the pages of a hair style guide. I'm considering a rather radical change to my mane... For right now I'm keeping my idea to myself in case I chicken out, but I'll give you a hint: It will look very appropriate on the Appalachian State University football sidelines.