My trip to Louisiana was better than it should have been since I was working...
Here are a few tasty morsels:
1) At the "Cheers" bar on Hwy 51 in Pontchatoula everybody knows your name, except of course, they 'Cajun-nize' it and instead of screaming "NORM" as he enters the bar, they yell, "AHN-REE!"
2) It is impossible to buy 'evil' voodoo dolls in New Orleans. Even if you go to the Voodoo Temple just off the beaten tourist path. All high priestess or white magic hippies refuse to discuss the 'dark side' of Voodo and just simply 'poking' an enemy is likely to rain of black magic upon your head..
3) Being part of the evacuation process for Hurricane Gustav was an eye-opener. Contra-flow works.
4) Some of the evacuees are hogs. I witnessed carloads of folks bearing dumping trash from their cars even with trash cans 3 yards away. As one Mississippi hospitality person said, "I wish I could take a dump on their house and see how they feel about being surrounded by s*it. Ehh. Like hogs, they probably would like it." Littering anywhere by anyone is unacceptable to me. (This section edited).
5) The best way to know if you like a person is to travel with 'em. If you can't get along during good times, then sheesh, it ain't gonna happen no way/no how.
6) And I leave you with this: Try a sip of George Dickel with a couple of Doritos. It ain't half bad. The smooth liquor brings out the piquant flavor of the chip:) That is my tip du jour.
And the bad...
About burning bridges....
Sometimes I make errors in judgement. Rarely do I make them twice, but I did the other day in respect to a freelance assignment with OurSlickGlossyState magazine. I shan't go into details, but it will be FOREVER before I ever accept another assignment from OurSlickGlossyState magazine. May their circulation suffer...the bastards.
Oh. Annie and I took a walk in the woods and all I could find was this photo of a peeling tree. Whee!
And last but not least...thank you Beth. Wow. What an honor. I've got several awards to pass along, but not tonight...gotta chew on the post a bit and do justice to those who deserve it more than me.